Self Help Guides
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Ways to Avoid Identity Thieves

Guard your information, online and offline
  • While news headlines make identity theft seem like it's mainly an online issue, you should recognise that there are also very real offline dangers.
  • Rubbish doesn't always end up in the dump. A recent study conducted by Javelin Strategy & Research suggests that you are in greater danger from identity thieves rummaging for important papers in your trash or breaking into your mailbox than from online theft so buy yourself a shredder, we use a Fellows PS-67Cs. This is a cross cut shredder and is suitable for most small offices, this and similar products can be purchased at office works. For further data security, please ensure all old hard drives are returned to the workshop for secure drive destruction.
  • Stolen wallets can become stolen identities. The Federal Trade Commission Identity Theft Survey Report estimates that 14% of identity theft is a result of stolen wallets, checkbooks, and credit cards.
  • Offline precautions. To protect yourself, consider shredding documents containing your personal information, such as account statements, locking your mailbox, and emptying your wallet of anything you don't absolutely have to carry.
Don’t respond to email or phone calls asking for your account information
  • Phishing emails. Phishing (fake) emails are made to look like they’re from legitimate companies but are actually from identity thieves. These emails warn you of account problems or other urgent issues in order to trick you into clicking through to a spoof website or calling a fake customer service number.
  • Spoof websites. A fake website is meant to mimic a website from a well-known company. It will ask you to enter your user name and password or other account information. Once you do this, you've given your information to someone who might use it to do you harm.
  • Genuine emails will never ask for your password or financial information. You should only share information about your account once you’ve logged in to your providers system directly from your browser.
  • Phone Calls. Beware of unsolicited phone calls claiming to be from customer service centers and requesting that you provide sensitive personal information. You should hang up and call the number on the company’s website.
Pay safely
  • People have become smarter about sharing their banking information but often don't think twice about sharing other sorts of sensitive information during transactions.
  • Checks. When paying with a check, you're handing a piece of paper with your bank name, account number, address, and signature to a stranger. Industry analysts report that check fraud is a significant problem.
  • Online payment systems. When using online payment systems like PayPal, you get a secure way to complete a transaction so you can pay without the merchant ever seeing your credit card or bank account number. This significantly limits the information that you share in a financial transaction.
Protect your computer
  • Software protection. The key to securing your own computer is to use protective software and keep it up to date. Make sure that you install security patches available from the developer of your operating system. Run antivirus software to check incoming emails and update virus definitions frequently. Set up a firewall to prevent intruders from getting into your network or computer.
  • Password protection. Always choose strong passwords to protect accounts. Mix upper and lowercase letters. Use symbol characters. Create unique passwords for each one of your accounts.
Stay alert
  • Act Quickly. The longer a breach goes undiscovered, the more costly it becomes. According to authorities, your chances of suffering significant financial damage from identity theft are significantly lower if you discover the breach within six months of its occurrence. After six months, you are more likely to lose money or spend hours untangling a truly difficult situation.
  • Monitor your accounts frequently and check credit card activity and balances often to look for suspicious activity.

Sometimes referred to as the Self Harm section, just remember a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing ... so if you're at all unsure call the help desk.

This content is provided for the use of our clients in configuring systems, service and application we manage on behalf our clients. Any information provided here may not be correct for your specific configuration if you do not have systems that were installed and configured by Paladin Technology ®

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